Extracts from 'The Crux of Vedic Astrology: Timing of Events' by (c) Sanjay RathCHAPTER X III: THE TENTH HOUSE
The tenth house deals with prosperity growth (significator Jupiter), karma including all works, actions (significator Saturn), professions & career (significator Mercury), fame (significator Jupiter & Moon), respect (significator Jupiter), status and social rights including power (significator Sun). It represents the mid-heaven and plays a vital role in the chart, second in importance only to the ascendant. Low Ashtakavarga bindu in these houses can considerably weaken a chart. All planets in the tenth house generally give very good results. Even Rahu gives pilgrimages if in the tenth in the natal chart or from the Narayana dasa sign. Houses whose lords are in the tenth house gain considerable strength and the activities ruled by them succeed.
Argala on 10th houseThe tenth house has Argala on the 6th, 7th, 9th and 12th houses thereby directly affecting enemies, servants, fortune and sleep that are ruled by these houses and other matters as well. For example, Chanakya says that a king can never fall if his servants are faithful. If the servants are faithful, the sixth house is favorable and the enemies also ruled by the sixth house cannot win. This automatically affects the status ruled by the tenth house. Similarly, success automatically brings more business and associates, besides keeping the spouse happy. Ones boss, guru, or lady luck ruled by the ninth house does matter in ones career. The 12th house rules final emancipation and meditation. Bad actions in the tenth house will reflect adversely on the 12th house and Moksha will be denied in the long term while sleep could be adversely hampered in the short term. A fine solution to this negative cycle would be to take up transcendental meditation (TM). The 11th, 1st, 2nd, & 8th houses have Argala on the 10th house or are capable of affecting the actions and other matters ruled by the tenth house. Thus gains, self, and net profit or loss will influence decisions and actions. If an exalted or strong natural benefic is in the ascendant, the native will be guided by its ideals and this will have a strong impact on his decisions and action. In this manner, the Argala 's and their obstruction should be understood.
The fifth house is the eighth from the tenth house representing birth (beginning) and longevity (time of implementation) of an action (10th house). Thus, the fifth house rules authority and power that one enjoys due to skills & knowledge as well as ones Purva punya. The timing of joining a new job is done from the fifth house. Rajyoga also need to be confirmed in the Panchamamsa (D-5 Chart) and the Dasamsa (D-10 chart). The eleventh house from ascendant is the ‘Hara’ or end of life. Similarly, the eighth house being the eleventh from the tenth house is the place of retirement or end of career. The eighth house, if beneficially disposed, can give huge loans to take large enterprises and its argala on the seventh house and 10th house can give a new boost to ones business. If ill disposed, ones business will run into endless debt and ruin.
Points to note:
The following maybe borne in mind while analyzing the Dasamsa:
-1. The Dasamsa should be analyzed in detail independently like the Rasi chart. The Artha Trikona is composed of the second 6th & 10th houses. Planets in these houses will have a direct bearing on the functioning of the native. Any planet in the tenth house is independently capable of giving good yoga that could mean power, rise and success in ones career. In addition, the seventh house should also be studied, as it is the Pada to the tenth. If the Sun dominates in these houses, a political career or similar public service is indicated. If the Moon dominates, Government Service or such other professions like hotel business etc are indicated. Mars gives Police; Intelligence related activities, Army etc. Jupiter produces lawyers, Judges, Priests, Astrologers, etc. Mercury gives business, writing & publishing, trade etc. Venus gives entertainment and all works of beauty while Saturn gives heavy burden, menial jobs etc. Rahu can indicate imports while Ketu shows exports etc.
2. The sixth house rules business and the seventh house rules business. If there are more planets in the sixth house, or if it is otherwise stronger, service is indicated. A stronger seventh house gives an independent business. Similarly, the sixth lord promotes service while the seventh lord promotes business. This could mean instability in service during the period of the seventh lord. Similarly, debilitated malefic in the seventh house will encourage service as they will damage the business.
3. The boss is seen from the ninth house while the subordinates are seen from the fifth house. During the period of a malefic planet having papargala (malefic obstruction) on the ninth house, one is tormented by the boss (or ex-boss) while a benefic having Subhargala (benefic intervention) shall give a very good and helpful boss. Thus in Charts showing any kind of employment, the concerned houses for the self are the first, 6th & 10th. The third house from these (3rd, 8th & 12th) can cause problems. The eighth house will show retirement; the third house shows short leave while the 12th house shows long leave.
4. The ascendant lord in the ninth house makes a person very independent (he likes to be his own boss) and business is best advised in such charts or employment where a lot of scope for independent work. The second house is the eighth from the seventh house and shall play a crucial role in starting any business. In simpler words, the starting of any business is determined by the finance available. The quadrants to the 2nd house are the 5th, 8th & 11th houses showing the money that is put in by the partner, loans from banks etc. & self respectively.
5. The rules for judging the sex and nature of the people involved is the same as that for co-born and children.
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