How to Judge Diseases
Before we begin, I would suggest going through some of the good books on Medical Astrology. Medical Astrology, A Rational Approach is a good book, so is Jyotish Aur Rog (ज्योतिष और रोग), written by Pt. Kisanlal Sharma. This book is published by Manoj Pocket Books and should be available everywhere. The language and style of writing is very good. These books have a table for planets/rashi/bhava in relation to most common diseases and it makes for a good reference.
This is how we should start the study of a horoscope for diseases. Look up the reference body part, study the association with an agent and then predict diseases during the dasha period of all the planets involved.
Reference body part:
•Understand that organs and body parts are referenced by a house (bhava), rashi and a planet.
•The planet representing an organ in their natural tendencies are the Karakas. The planets that represent an organ through house ownership are the Lords.
•Bad aspect/association of both these type of planets shows up as a disease.
•E.g. Sun is the natural Karaka for heart. In a horoscope, 4th house represents heart. Hence to judge for heart disease, we should look at influence on both Sun as well as lord of 4th house. If one of these factors is strong, the effect of the disease are not likely to show up. If both are weak, then the problems will be worse.
Agents causing disease:
•In a horoscope, association of the Lord of 6th house with any of the planets will show up as a disease. If both the Karaka and Lord are associated with 6th lord, then problems will be magnified.
•Position of planets in 6th house in the horoscope causes problems.
•The planet Mars signifies wounds and injuries due to accidents, etc.
•Rahu is responsible for suddenness.
•Saturn represents chronic diseases.
Please note that association and aspect by an agent is essential. Weakness of the Karaka/Lord is important. General Weakness, but not amounting to disease should be looked at very carefully. If a planet is debilitated or is associated with other inimical houses, e.g. 12th and 8th, it will not cause disease by itself. However, it will signify general weakness and lack of development for that body part.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Progeny in Vedic Astrology
Progeny in Vedic Astrology
A birth in the family is matter of great joy for everyone. The institution of marriage is created to protect the unit of family and provide the greatest care to children who will carry forward humanity on our planet. This article attempts to briefly look at the factors that bestow the blessings of childbirth to a couple. It is important to analyze the chart of both husband and wife in order to come to any conclusion.
In Vedic Astrology, the process starts right at the time when charts are matched at the time of marriage. Afflictions to 7th house and its lord can adversely impact the fertility of a person. Nadi dosha can lead to conception followed by mishaps like still birth, miscarriages etc. Nadi dosha is therefore considered a strict no-no for horoscope compatibility. These factors therefore must be avoided while kundalis are being matched.
What I am not going to discuss in this article is determination of sex of children. It may have been okay in the past, but in current age and time, it is not right. It is my humble opinion that couples should not engage in such activities.
The following elements are important from perspective of having children:
a.Naisargika Putrakaraka, i.e. Jupiter.
b.Fifth house and its lord
c.Divisional chart Saptamsha
d.9th house, by the principle of bhavat bhavam. 9th house is considered to be important when looking at the horoscope of women.
e.Dasha factors – to determine if the currently running dasha is conducive towards conception.
Any afflictions to these factors or elements would be considered detrimental to the ability of having children. The usual afflictions come from Saturn, Mars etc., and lords of 6th and 8th houses. Based on these rules, some of the yogas or combinations that can potentially lead to childlessness are:
•Lord of 5th house in debilitation or positioned in 6th, 8th or 12th house. This yoga should also applicable to lord of 5th from Sun or Moon.
•Malefic influence of Sun and/or Mars on 5th house and its lord. The influence could be through presence, drishti (aspect) or by hemming the house. These are fiery planets and they “burn away” the prospects of having children.
•Malefic influence of Saturn and Mercury as these are considered to be impotent planets.
•Malefic influence of 6th and 8th lords on 5th house as explained above. 6th house is important as by being 2nd from 5th, it becomes a maraka for factors determined by 5th, i.e. children. The lord of 6th house carries this power.
•Jupiter’s presence in 6th or 8th house.
•Planets powerless in Saptamsha
Very interestingly, Rahu is not a part of this list of malefic planets. I would like to quote from Dr. Raman’s book, Combination #220:
Rahu in 5th house in a Navamsha other than that of Saturn gives rise to bahuputra (large number of children) yoga.
There are various curses or sutakshaya yogas that are mentioned in Dr. B.V. Raman’s book “Three Hundred Important Combinations” that lead to loss of children – please go through combinations #212 through #219 for the same. All these combinations revolve around afflictions of 5th house and its lord but rather than being general statements, the combinations are properly defined.
Any good influence benefic planets, but most importantly Jupiter, would mitigate the problem. In such a case, the couple would not be denied of children, but rather miscarriages and difficulty in conception should be predicted. Influence from Rahu also brings in a degree of “unusual”.
These problems could very well be solved by appropriately seeking medical help. Astrologically, it would be necessary to strengthen Jupiter and 5th lord to overcome such problems. Worshipping Lord Krishna in His “Santan Gopal” form helps.
A birth in the family is matter of great joy for everyone. The institution of marriage is created to protect the unit of family and provide the greatest care to children who will carry forward humanity on our planet. This article attempts to briefly look at the factors that bestow the blessings of childbirth to a couple. It is important to analyze the chart of both husband and wife in order to come to any conclusion.
In Vedic Astrology, the process starts right at the time when charts are matched at the time of marriage. Afflictions to 7th house and its lord can adversely impact the fertility of a person. Nadi dosha can lead to conception followed by mishaps like still birth, miscarriages etc. Nadi dosha is therefore considered a strict no-no for horoscope compatibility. These factors therefore must be avoided while kundalis are being matched.
What I am not going to discuss in this article is determination of sex of children. It may have been okay in the past, but in current age and time, it is not right. It is my humble opinion that couples should not engage in such activities.
The following elements are important from perspective of having children:
a.Naisargika Putrakaraka, i.e. Jupiter.
b.Fifth house and its lord
c.Divisional chart Saptamsha
d.9th house, by the principle of bhavat bhavam. 9th house is considered to be important when looking at the horoscope of women.
e.Dasha factors – to determine if the currently running dasha is conducive towards conception.
Any afflictions to these factors or elements would be considered detrimental to the ability of having children. The usual afflictions come from Saturn, Mars etc., and lords of 6th and 8th houses. Based on these rules, some of the yogas or combinations that can potentially lead to childlessness are:
•Lord of 5th house in debilitation or positioned in 6th, 8th or 12th house. This yoga should also applicable to lord of 5th from Sun or Moon.
•Malefic influence of Sun and/or Mars on 5th house and its lord. The influence could be through presence, drishti (aspect) or by hemming the house. These are fiery planets and they “burn away” the prospects of having children.
•Malefic influence of Saturn and Mercury as these are considered to be impotent planets.
•Malefic influence of 6th and 8th lords on 5th house as explained above. 6th house is important as by being 2nd from 5th, it becomes a maraka for factors determined by 5th, i.e. children. The lord of 6th house carries this power.
•Jupiter’s presence in 6th or 8th house.
•Planets powerless in Saptamsha
Very interestingly, Rahu is not a part of this list of malefic planets. I would like to quote from Dr. Raman’s book, Combination #220:
Rahu in 5th house in a Navamsha other than that of Saturn gives rise to bahuputra (large number of children) yoga.
There are various curses or sutakshaya yogas that are mentioned in Dr. B.V. Raman’s book “Three Hundred Important Combinations” that lead to loss of children – please go through combinations #212 through #219 for the same. All these combinations revolve around afflictions of 5th house and its lord but rather than being general statements, the combinations are properly defined.
Any good influence benefic planets, but most importantly Jupiter, would mitigate the problem. In such a case, the couple would not be denied of children, but rather miscarriages and difficulty in conception should be predicted. Influence from Rahu also brings in a degree of “unusual”.
These problems could very well be solved by appropriately seeking medical help. Astrologically, it would be necessary to strengthen Jupiter and 5th lord to overcome such problems. Worshipping Lord Krishna in His “Santan Gopal” form helps.
Astro Analysing Female Diseases and Disorders
Astro Analysing Female Diseases and Disorders
The strictly female anatomical organs include the ovaries, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina, vulva and the breast.
The primary function of these organs is the reproduction; disorders affecting these organs may often result in infertility and impotency.
Female anatomical disorders are very common; many women will develop the symptoms of one or more of them during their lifetime.
Causes of female disorders: Age, genetic factors, hereditary factors, sexually transmitted diseases, hormone imbalance, infections, malnutrition and obesity.
Early astrological detection is imperative in the success rate of recognizing and treating all female disorders.
Factors responsible for female disorders
• Ascendant: general vitality
• 6th house: indicates diseases
• Venus /7th house/ sign Libra: indication of uterus and ovaries, inflammation of uterus and ovaries diseases of ovaries, venereal complaints, typhoid, diseases of generative organs, diabetes, hormonal disorder genital troubles, venereal diseases the internal parts of the generative organs, produces complaints caused by excesses sexual pleasures.
• Moon/ 4th house: Moon: Brest, womb, blood, glandular system, tumours, female reproductive organs, diabetes, anaemia, nervous, asthma, menstrual disorder, diseases of uterus, and hormonal problems due to ovary hormones.
• 8th house/ sign Scorpio: death, trouble in womb and ovaries, chronic incurable diseases.
• Jupiter: significator of tumours and a cancer, arterial system
• Saturn: obstruction, acids, chronicity, incurability, glandular diseases, depression, injuries sustain from the fall, different forms of cancers, tumours.
• Mars: bleeding, inflammation in body, haemoglobin, injuries, infection and contagious diseases, haemorrhoids, diseases of uterus, miscarriages and abortions.
• Rahu: contagious diseases, undignostic diseases, intoxication, worries, phobia, psychological disorder
• Ketu: injuries, accidents, fevers, infections, mysterious diseases, surgery.
Different astrological combinations for female disorders
Common female organ disorders:
Pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis PMS, menstrual disorders
• Saturn in sign Scorpio, placed in the 8th house will give diseases of reproductive organs throughout life.
• Affliction to Moon and Mars in a female astrology chart creates disturbance in menstrual cycles.
• Afflicted 8th house/lord and sign Scorpio indicate generative organs problems.
• Mars afflicting 7th /8th house and Moon induces endometriosis.
• Venus square Mars gives congestion or the surplus blood being stored in the walls of the uterus or endometriosis.
• Moon and 8th house/lord afflicted by Mars indicates excess bleeding in menstrual cycle and pelvic inflammatory diseases.
• Malefic aspects on lords of 6th and 8th houses, guarantees the presence of venereal diseases or some other disorders of the genital system.
• Mars and Rahu posited in 7th indicate excess bleeding.
• Moon and 8th house/lord afflicted by Saturn indicate scanty flow in menstrual cycle with severe pain.
• Mars in the 6th house is an indication of acute illness of the genitals (bleeding and inflammation).
• Venus posited in 6th/8th/12th house indicates common female genitals disorders.
• Lord of ascendant/6th, conjunct with Mercury and Rahu is the sure indication of female disorders.
• 7th house/lord afflicted by Mars stands for inflammation and endometriosis.
Ovaries disorders:
Include ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian cancer.
• Afflicted sun/moon in sign Scorpio indicates ovarian disorder.
• Venus affliction or Moon Square Mars can bring ovary complaints or trouble.
• 7th house/lord aspected afflicted Moon/Venus can give the polycystic ovary syndrome.
• 7th/8th house/lord and Venus afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates ovary cancer.
Uterus disorders:
Include fibroids, uterine polyps, prolapsed uterus and uterine cancer.
• 8th lord /house is malefic in nature/ posited in inimical sign/debilited/ set/ hammed between malefic/ conjunct and aspected by malefic, indicates uterus problems.
• Lords of 6th and 8th related to each other indicate uterus disorders.
• 8th lord/house and Moon are afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates uterus cancer.
• Lord of 8th placed in 6th/12 house and aspected by Saturn and Rahu indicates uterus cancer.
• 6th lord is placed in 8th/12 and aspected by Saturn and Rahu indicates uterus cancer.
• Moon /8th house/sign Scorpio afflicted by Ketu indicate uterus fibroids.
Blocked fallopian tubes
• Venus/Moon being afflicted by Saturn/Rahu indicates blockage in fallopian tubes.
• 7th/8th house afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates obstruction in fallopian tubes.
Breast disease:
Breast cancer/tumours/lumps
• Moon/sign Cancer being afflicted by Saturn indicates lumps in breast.
• Moon/4th house/sign Cancer badly afflicted by Ketu indicate lumps in the breast.
• Moon /4th house associating with weak Jupiter indicate the symptoms of non cancerous tumours on the breast.
• 4th house/lord being afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates cancerous tumour in the breast.
• Moon/sign Cancer is afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicated breast cancer.
• 4th lord posited in 6th/8th/12th house being aspected by Saturn/Rahu indicates breast cancer.
• Lord of the 6th/8th/12th house placed in 4th house and aspected by Saturn and Rahu indicates breast cancer.
Vaginal/ bladder / urinary tract infection
Women are more prone to these infections because the female urethra is shorter than the males and bacteria/virus/yeast can move up to the bladder/vagina more quickly in women.
• Lords of 4th and 7th posited in 6th/8th /12 house indicates urinary tract infection.
• Lords of 4th and 7th are placed in an inimical sign and aspected by malefic indicates urinary tract infection.
• Mars in Libra/7th house may cause inflammation of urinary tract by infection.
• Lord of 6th/7th placed along with lord of 12th and aspected by Saturn indicates venereal infection.
• 8th house/lord and Venus afflicted by Rahu indicates venereal infections.
• Any affliction to Libra/ 7th house or lord by Saturn gives rise to diseases concerning kidney, bladder and the pelvic region.
• Afflicted Venus in Libra may cause suppression of urine and uraemia.
• Moon, Venus and lord of ascendant combine with the Sun and Rahu; the native may suffer from syphilis.
• Malefic aspects of Saturn, on Scorpio /8th house, are a predisposition for a bladder stone.
• Sun in 6th being aspected by Saturn indicates loss of vitality due to excess sex.
Although not a disease restricted to females, osteoporosis seems to prey most often women over the age of 60.Osteoporosis is caused by low amounts of phosphate and calcium in bones, causing them to be porous, brittle and more apt to break.
• Afflicted Saturn /sign Capricorn indicates osteoporosis
• Afflicted Sun/sign Leo or Jupiter / sign Sagittarius indicate low bone density
• Sun posited in 6th/8th/12th house, debilited, conjoined or aspected by malefic planets, gives bone weakness.
The strictly female anatomical organs include the ovaries, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina, vulva and the breast.
The primary function of these organs is the reproduction; disorders affecting these organs may often result in infertility and impotency.
Female anatomical disorders are very common; many women will develop the symptoms of one or more of them during their lifetime.
Causes of female disorders: Age, genetic factors, hereditary factors, sexually transmitted diseases, hormone imbalance, infections, malnutrition and obesity.
Early astrological detection is imperative in the success rate of recognizing and treating all female disorders.
Factors responsible for female disorders
• Ascendant: general vitality
• 6th house: indicates diseases
• Venus /7th house/ sign Libra: indication of uterus and ovaries, inflammation of uterus and ovaries diseases of ovaries, venereal complaints, typhoid, diseases of generative organs, diabetes, hormonal disorder genital troubles, venereal diseases the internal parts of the generative organs, produces complaints caused by excesses sexual pleasures.
• Moon/ 4th house: Moon: Brest, womb, blood, glandular system, tumours, female reproductive organs, diabetes, anaemia, nervous, asthma, menstrual disorder, diseases of uterus, and hormonal problems due to ovary hormones.
• 8th house/ sign Scorpio: death, trouble in womb and ovaries, chronic incurable diseases.
• Jupiter: significator of tumours and a cancer, arterial system
• Saturn: obstruction, acids, chronicity, incurability, glandular diseases, depression, injuries sustain from the fall, different forms of cancers, tumours.
• Mars: bleeding, inflammation in body, haemoglobin, injuries, infection and contagious diseases, haemorrhoids, diseases of uterus, miscarriages and abortions.
• Rahu: contagious diseases, undignostic diseases, intoxication, worries, phobia, psychological disorder
• Ketu: injuries, accidents, fevers, infections, mysterious diseases, surgery.
Different astrological combinations for female disorders
Common female organ disorders:
Pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis PMS, menstrual disorders
• Saturn in sign Scorpio, placed in the 8th house will give diseases of reproductive organs throughout life.
• Affliction to Moon and Mars in a female astrology chart creates disturbance in menstrual cycles.
• Afflicted 8th house/lord and sign Scorpio indicate generative organs problems.
• Mars afflicting 7th /8th house and Moon induces endometriosis.
• Venus square Mars gives congestion or the surplus blood being stored in the walls of the uterus or endometriosis.
• Moon and 8th house/lord afflicted by Mars indicates excess bleeding in menstrual cycle and pelvic inflammatory diseases.
• Malefic aspects on lords of 6th and 8th houses, guarantees the presence of venereal diseases or some other disorders of the genital system.
• Mars and Rahu posited in 7th indicate excess bleeding.
• Moon and 8th house/lord afflicted by Saturn indicate scanty flow in menstrual cycle with severe pain.
• Mars in the 6th house is an indication of acute illness of the genitals (bleeding and inflammation).
• Venus posited in 6th/8th/12th house indicates common female genitals disorders.
• Lord of ascendant/6th, conjunct with Mercury and Rahu is the sure indication of female disorders.
• 7th house/lord afflicted by Mars stands for inflammation and endometriosis.
Ovaries disorders:
Include ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian cancer.
• Afflicted sun/moon in sign Scorpio indicates ovarian disorder.
• Venus affliction or Moon Square Mars can bring ovary complaints or trouble.
• 7th house/lord aspected afflicted Moon/Venus can give the polycystic ovary syndrome.
• 7th/8th house/lord and Venus afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates ovary cancer.
Uterus disorders:
Include fibroids, uterine polyps, prolapsed uterus and uterine cancer.
• 8th lord /house is malefic in nature/ posited in inimical sign/debilited/ set/ hammed between malefic/ conjunct and aspected by malefic, indicates uterus problems.
• Lords of 6th and 8th related to each other indicate uterus disorders.
• 8th lord/house and Moon are afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates uterus cancer.
• Lord of 8th placed in 6th/12 house and aspected by Saturn and Rahu indicates uterus cancer.
• 6th lord is placed in 8th/12 and aspected by Saturn and Rahu indicates uterus cancer.
• Moon /8th house/sign Scorpio afflicted by Ketu indicate uterus fibroids.
Blocked fallopian tubes
• Venus/Moon being afflicted by Saturn/Rahu indicates blockage in fallopian tubes.
• 7th/8th house afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates obstruction in fallopian tubes.
Breast disease:
Breast cancer/tumours/lumps
• Moon/sign Cancer being afflicted by Saturn indicates lumps in breast.
• Moon/4th house/sign Cancer badly afflicted by Ketu indicate lumps in the breast.
• Moon /4th house associating with weak Jupiter indicate the symptoms of non cancerous tumours on the breast.
• 4th house/lord being afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates cancerous tumour in the breast.
• Moon/sign Cancer is afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicated breast cancer.
• 4th lord posited in 6th/8th/12th house being aspected by Saturn/Rahu indicates breast cancer.
• Lord of the 6th/8th/12th house placed in 4th house and aspected by Saturn and Rahu indicates breast cancer.
Vaginal/ bladder / urinary tract infection
Women are more prone to these infections because the female urethra is shorter than the males and bacteria/virus/yeast can move up to the bladder/vagina more quickly in women.
• Lords of 4th and 7th posited in 6th/8th /12 house indicates urinary tract infection.
• Lords of 4th and 7th are placed in an inimical sign and aspected by malefic indicates urinary tract infection.
• Mars in Libra/7th house may cause inflammation of urinary tract by infection.
• Lord of 6th/7th placed along with lord of 12th and aspected by Saturn indicates venereal infection.
• 8th house/lord and Venus afflicted by Rahu indicates venereal infections.
• Any affliction to Libra/ 7th house or lord by Saturn gives rise to diseases concerning kidney, bladder and the pelvic region.
• Afflicted Venus in Libra may cause suppression of urine and uraemia.
• Moon, Venus and lord of ascendant combine with the Sun and Rahu; the native may suffer from syphilis.
• Malefic aspects of Saturn, on Scorpio /8th house, are a predisposition for a bladder stone.
• Sun in 6th being aspected by Saturn indicates loss of vitality due to excess sex.
Although not a disease restricted to females, osteoporosis seems to prey most often women over the age of 60.Osteoporosis is caused by low amounts of phosphate and calcium in bones, causing them to be porous, brittle and more apt to break.
• Afflicted Saturn /sign Capricorn indicates osteoporosis
• Afflicted Sun/sign Leo or Jupiter / sign Sagittarius indicate low bone density
• Sun posited in 6th/8th/12th house, debilited, conjoined or aspected by malefic planets, gives bone weakness.
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